Remove FBI virus

Remove FBI Virus from your computer 5 Simple Steps to remove FBI virus from your computer. FBI virus is a sneaky malware, which mostly gets inside its target computer undetected with a help of Trojan.LockScreen. This is a type of threat typically known as ransomware, which displays alerts that keep asking you to send money to unlock your computer. What is FBI Virus? The FBI virus utilizes Trojan horses (Trojan.Ransomlock.R, reveton) in order to gain access and lock computer systems. The FBI virus practices a variety of unethical tactics in attempt to persuade or scare unsuspecting victims to pay $100, $200, $300 or more, by making fraudulent claims that the computer has been involved in illegal activity (downloaded copyrighted material or viewed child pornography, etc.) in order to unlock the computer. The FBI Moneypak ransomware virus also states on the fake FBI screen that the computer owner may see jail time or face other consequences if the unnecessary fine is not...